Template:Organometallics and Main Group Chemistry

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Thursday, June 3, 1:00 PM - 3:55 PM

Organometallics and Main Group Chemistry
Dunn 206

Organizer/Presider: James Spencer

1:00 210 Ion Association, Non-Covalent Interactions, Ligand and Co-Ligand Characteristics – What Is Affecting the Structure and Function of Heavy Alkaline Earth Organometallics?. Karin Ruhlandt-Senge1, Marites Guino-o1, Jacob S. Alexander1 and Ulrich B. Englich2, (1)Syracuse University, (2)Cornell University

1:40 211 Synthesis and Reactivity of Phosphaalkenes Utilizing Triamidoamine-Supported Zirconium Complexes. Andrew Roering and Rory Waterman, The University of Vermont

2:00 212 Insertion Reactions Involving a Triamidoamine-Supported Zirconium Complex. Sarah Leshinski and Rory Waterman, The University of Vermont

2:20 Intermission

2:35 213 Investigation of the RTLE Route: Effect of pKa and Steric Bulk on the Rate of the Reaction. Abhilasha Verma1, Daniel Weismann2, Andrew R. Powers1, Miriam M. Gillett-Kunnath1, Helmut Sitzmann2 and Karin Ruhlandt-Senge1, (1)Syracuse University, (2)TU Kaiserslauern

2:55 214 Alkaline Earth Metal Complexes of Azobenzene Derivatives. Johann Pichler1, Daniel Weismann2, Abhilasha Verma3 and Karin Ruhlandt-Senge3, (1)Graz University of Technology, (2)University of Kaiserslautern, (3)Syracuse University

3:15 215 Novel Amidinate and Guanidinate Ligands and Their s-Block Metal Complexes. William Maudez, Stephanie Wiebke Eilers and Karin Ruhlandt-Senge, Syracuse University

3:35 216 Structural Studies of Novel Alkaline Earth Metal Primary/Secondary Amides. Ana Torvisco and Karin Ruhlandt-Senge, Syracuse University