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Revision as of 04:53, 19 December 2008

Quick'n'dirty converter script I hacked up:


use strict;
use warnings;

if (@ARGV != 1) {
    die <<"EODIE";
Usage: $0 filename.txt
       $0 filename.txt > filename.xml

"filename.txt" is a tab-delimited text file, perhaps exported from
Excel. The file is converted to xml format and printed on STDOUT.
NB: the xml DTD is a guess based on commonChemMerge.10012008.xml

The expected column layout is:
  1: (ignored)
  2: Name
  3: CAS Number
  4: Molecular Formula
Any further columns are also ignored.

Any row where the CAS Number field does not match the normal format
for CAS format is omitted.

print <<'EOXML';
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

my $datafile = shift;
if (open my $datafile_FH, '<', $datafile) {
    my $row =  0;
    local $/ = "\r";
    while (defined($_=<$datafile_FH>)) {

	my %entry;
	@entry{qw/ x name cas mf /} = split /\t/;

	if (!defined $entry{cas}) {
	    warn "Skip row $row: no CAS# defined\n";
	} elsif ($entry{cas} !~ /^\d+-\d+-\d+$/) {
	    warn "Skip row $row: '$entry{cas}' not valid CAS# format\n";

	print "<CommonChemistryRecord registryNumber=\"$entry{cas}\">\n";
	print "<MolecularFormula>$entry{mf}</MolecularFormula>\n" if defined $entry{mf};
	print "<NT1Name>$entry{name}</NT1Name>\n" if defined $entry{mf};
	print "</CommonChemistryRecord>\n";
    close $datafile_FH;
} else {
    die "Could not read $datafile: $!\n";

print <<"EOXML";