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This is the official government plan for Iraq, from 2005 onwards. Date: December 1, 2004.


  1. Train Iraqi military and police forces in preparation for handover.
  2. Hold elections for a temporary assembly. This assembly will be responsible for writing a new constitution.
  3. Hold new elections under the new constitution, to elect a permanent government.
  4. Ensure that our commercial position in the country is strong, particularly regarding oil supplies. We do not want these in the hands of the Europeans, Japanese, Russians or others.
  5. Phase one withdrawal: 25% of troops return home.
  6. Phase two withdrawal: 80% of troops return home.
  7. Phase three withdrawal: Bring home all remaining troops, complete handover to the democratic Iraqi government.

Note: Ideally we should aim to complete all six steps before fall 2008. We would like to complete the phase one withdrawal by fall 2006.

Please see the Iraq progress log to see how things are working out in practice.

See also