Chem321:Tomorrow's tasks

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This page details work to be carried out on or around Monday, July 9th.

Recent tasks
  • Read the welcome page, the syllabus and the schedule.
  • Learn to use the course wiki. If you want, you can work through the tutorial.
  • Learn your way around the site by clicking on any blue words.
  • Let Dr. Walker know the Skype meeting times that work best for you, via email or on Prof. Walker's talk page
  • Start looking at Unit 1.
  • Read Hill chapter 1
  • Finish reading Unit 1
  • Read through the assigned reading for unit 1, the BBC "Disposable Planet" pages (be sure to click on the tabs to see all content).
New tasks
  • Attend your first discussion if you are scheduled to have one today. If you have not confirmed attendance at your discussion, please do so ASAP.
  • Start work on Chem321:Problem Set 1 (due Thursday, July 12th), but be aware that some problems may relate to Unit 2.
  • Take the first online quiz when it becomes available (late Monday).