Chem321:Acme environmental committee

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Acme Chemical Company

Chemistry for the 21st Century

This page contains a list of employees on the new environmental committee, with their contact information, as well as the projects they are leading. If you're working on a topic related to someone else's job or project, feel free to leave a message on their talk page. Please insert your project description into the relevant section.

Michelle Amann: OSHA Regulations & Training

Led by Michelle Amann, Union Rep and Shift Foreperson - Amannme192 (talk)

Kelly Balbian: Analysis of all waste streams

Led by Kelly Balbian, Quality Control Manager - Balbiaka (talk)

Evan Cronmiller: Reduction of fumes on the plant

Led by Evan Cronmiller, Vice President of Sales - Cronyy5180 (talk)

Hayley Kopelson: Introduction of an ISO 14001 Environmental Management Plan

Led by Hayley Kopelson, Environmental Manager - HKopelson (talk)

Kevin Maxwell: Improving production efficiency

Led by Kevin Maxwell, Production Manager - Maxwelk192 (talk)

Emily Mitchell: Review of scrubber chemical usage

Led by Emily Mitchell, Lab Manager - Emitch (talk)

Angela Racine

  • Angela Racine, Quality Assurance Manager - Racinea (talk)

Sam Russell: Review of EPA regulations

Led by Sam Russell, Chief Legal Officer - SamRussell (talk)

Andrew Sears: Sitewide safety analysis

Led by Andrew Sears, Safety Manager - AndrewSears (talk)

Jonathan Stewart: Capturing waste heat

Led by Jonathan Stewart, Chief Financial Officer - Stewarjm192 (talk)

Ashley Tranello: Sitewide health analysis

Led by Ashley Tranello, Occupational Hygiene Officer - Ashley (talk)

Chemistry 321 Acme Scenario
Acme Chemical Company | Employees
EPA inspection - Sales - Waste
Env. committee