Chem341:NMR workshop/Ethyl 2-chloropropanoate

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Proton NMR of ethyl 2-chloropropanoate

<quiz> { Try to give predictions for chemical shift, integration (no. of Hs) and multiplicity (neighbors+1), then assign the peaks (1, 2, 3, 4) to a particular hydrogen type (A, B, C, D). |type="{}"} Hydrogen Type A { 3.5-4.4 _3 } Predicted δ { 2 _1 } Integration { 3 _1 } Multiplicity { 2 _1 } Assignment Hydrogen Type B { 1.8-3.0 _3 } Predicted δ { 2 _1 } Integration { 3 _1 } Multiplicity { 3 _1 } Assignment Hydrogen Type C { 3.5-4.6 _3 } Predicted δ { 2 _1 } Integration { 4 _1 } Multiplicity { 1 _1 } Assignment Hydrogen Type D { 0.9-1.6 _3 } Predicted δ { 2 _1 } Integration { 3 _1 } Multiplicity { 4 _1 } Assignment


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