Chem321:Acme environmental committee

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Acme Chemical Company

Chemistry for the 21st Century

This page contains a list of employees on the new environmental committee, with their contact information, as well as the projects they are leading. If you're working on a topic related to someone else's job or project, feel free to leave a message on their talk page. Please insert your project description into the relevant section.

Michelle Amann: OSHA Regulations & Training

Led by Michelle Amann, Union Rep and Shift Foreperson - Amannme192 (talk) As a Union Rep and Shift Foreperson for Acme I would like to get all employees trained with HAZMAT and OSHA regulations. Having training with both of these will help employees feel more comfortable with the chemicals that we use. Being able to be trained and have a safe work environment will both benefit our employees with less injuries, and chemicals will be getting cleaned up properly and quickly so not as many harmful emission will be released into the work atmosphere- which could have eventually led to polluting the atmosphere outside of the work zone.

Kelly Balbian: Analysis of all waste streams

Led by Kelly Balbian, Quality Control Manager - Balbiaka (talk) As Quality Control Manager of Acme I would like to examine the waste that our plant produces and provide a plan to reduce these wastes. By analyzing the waste streams we will be able to make the company more efficient and reduce our harmful impact on the environment. I will have the goal to limit the waste that is produced and retrieve any materials from the waste. The waste streams will be analyzed appropriately to meet EPA and ISO 14001 standards. The EPA strongly advocates a proactive approach to environmental protection, so I will be examining techniques used to prevent waste as well as recycle and treatment.

Evan Cronmiller: Reduction of fumes on the plant

Led by Evan Cronmiller, Vice President of Sales - Cronyy5180 (talk) As the VP of Sales for Acme, and being part of the environmental committee, I find it essential that we keep our local environmental and community safe and healthy. Reduction of pollution and fumes from our company is a top priority that I take very seriously. Making both short-term, and long-term goals for reducing fumes and pollution is a key element with this assignment I've been given. Having daily inspections of our plant should also take place to make sure no pipes are leaking. One of our best options is to get up-to-date Industrial Scrubbers and filters for our smoke-stacks. These will capture and absorb both solid and gas particles. This will reduce fumes and pollution, and protect our local environment/wildlife, while at the same time protect the health of the citizens living in the area. These Scrubbers will also help prevent acid rain and green house gases from going into the atmosphere.

Hayley Kopelson: Introduction of an ISO 14001 Environmental Management Plan

Led by Hayley Kopelson, Environmental Manager - HKopelson (talk) As environmental manager of ACME, I'd like to set up an Environmental Management System (EMS) following the ISO 14001 guidelines for our company in order to reduce our waste, increase our efficiency, and reduce initial inputs into our chemical processes. Our recent inspection, and the issues that came with it, all must be addressed in a timely and serious fashion, and by enacting an ISO 14001 plan, we can deal with our waste more efficiently and in a way that's environmentally friendly. We must set up a strict set of guidelines for labeling waste more accurately and dealing with it accordingly. HKopelson (talk) 20:05, 24 July 2012 (EDT)

Kevin Maxwell: Improving production efficiency

Led by Kevin Maxwell, Production Manager - Maxwelk192 (talk)

Acme will aim to reduce its inputs of chemical materials by 20% over the next 3-5 years by implementing new technologies into the manufacturing process in order to reduce material costs, pollution and associated wastes. Our new research and development department be in charge of the development of these technologies. They will also be conducting research on utilizing chemicals that are sourced from biomass instead of petroleum sources, which are renewable and potentially better for the environment. Costs of disposing of wastes are another front in which biomass based chemicals may be beneficial. We also will be utilizing labor hours more effectively in order to create a new department devoted to environmental safety and pollution control without stretching our current labor budget. This will fulfill our fiduciary duty to our shareholders and make Acme more profitable so that further investments can be made in our company and it's commitment toward sustainability. These developments will be better for the environment and better for our wallet.

Emily Mitchell: Review of scrubber chemical usage

Led by Emily Mitchell, Lab Manager - Emitch (talk)

As we all know the EPA has encouraged us to become more environmentally appropriate by using a proactive approach. This committee's goal is to make changes that will prevent any further damage on our environment. Our manufacturing of Sulfur-based heterocyclic building blocks has some side affects, producing the rotten egg odor. In the past we have used bleach in our scrubbers to remove some of this odor. I would like to find an alternative to bleach that is reusable, recyclable, and environmentally friendly. I believe this change will help the company in a number of ways, including increasing sales, satisfying the EPA, and pleasing our local community.

Angela Racine: Labeling

  • Angela Racine, Quality Assurance Manager - Racinea (talk) As quality assurance manager I would like to assess our current labeling problem. All wastes should meet the standards of containing a correct label, especially if hazardous. The labeling process should follow hazardous chemical waste management regulations. Some references that should be used to determine the hazard category of the waste are: the Chemical Safety Database, Determining the Primary Hazard Category sheet, or the Material Safety Data Sheet.

Sam Russell: Review of EPA regulations

Led by Sam Russell, Chief Legal Officer - SamRussell (talk) As the Chief Legal Officer of Acme Chemical Company, I would like to make sure that this company is following all of the State and Federal regulations regarding the manufacture, transportation, and disposal of hazardous waste. The recent EPA inspection, found several violations of the Resource Conservation & Recovery Act (RCRA), especially with regards to the labeling of hazardous waste. This violation has cost the company tens of thousands of dollars. We need to make sure incidents like this do not happen in the future in the best interest of the company and the environment.

Andrew Sears: Sitewide safety analysis

Led by Andrew Sears, Safety Manager - AndrewSears (talk)

As safety manager, I feel that our company needs to improve on the safety of our machines and chemical processes in light of the recent EPA inspection. Keeping our impact on the environment to a minimum is the main reason why we need to do this. We must make sure the control, containment, and mitigation layers of our chemical processes are up to regulations so that we don't end up with a big environmental disaster on our hands.

Jonathan Stewart: Capturing waste heat

Led by Jonathan Stewart, Chief Financial Officer - Stewarjm192 (talk)

My plan is that, by capturing waste energy, that would otherwise be lost into the space of the universe, we can reduce our energy usage. AS many of you know, our chemical process involves using water to cool the mixture of chemicals that we deal with. By recycling this water through a system of pipes, holding tanks, and heat pumps, we can reduce the amount of energy and resources we use in two ways. By capturing the heat energy we use by passing this hot water(after process) through turbines, we can reduce the amount of electricity our plant uses, thus reducing our fossil fuel impact. Also by reusing the same water, and cooling it, post-turbine, using cooling coils, wrapped in absorbent material to be soaked in water, we will reduce our excess use of water to nearly zero. This cooling process can be used in conjunction with the ventilation systems Evan will be presenting, also possibly equipped with turbines, to evaporate the soaked coils, thus reducing the temperature of the re-used water further, allowing us to capture more heat energy.

Ashley Tranello: Sitewide health analysis

Led by Ashley Tranello, Occupational Hygiene Officer - Ashley (talk)

Chemistry 321 Acme Scenario
Acme Chemical Company | Employees
EPA inspection - Sales - Waste
Env. committee