Chem321:Acme President

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  • Education: BSc in Chemistry (U. of Bristol, UK, 1981) and PhD in Chemistry (Brandeis U., 1990)
  • Joined Acme: 1992

Martin Walker is one of the founders of the company, and he is very committed to its success. He has a vision of it growing to be a big player in the fine chemicals world, supplying key intermediates to major pharmaceutical companies ("big pharma"). He was reluctant to adopt ISO 9000 initially, but now accepts that is necessary in order to compete. He is skeptical about the value of ISO 14000, thinking of it as "window dressing", but he accepts the view of his VP of Sales that it will hurt sales if the company does not adopt ISO 14000. Walker considers himself to be quite supportive of what he calls "genuine" reductions in environmental impact, but he remains quite cynical about many environmental regulations and the efforts of some competitors.