Talk:Chem321:Daily tasks

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Is Sustainable development realistic?

I think that sustainable development is indeed realistic, the main thing that is standing in the way of this becoming true, is all of the money and power that big companies (like oil and gas) wont let it happen. If we were able to get all of the world to put there minds together a reasonable solution could defiantly be found. Things like switching over to renewable resources for our energy needs and planting better, and higher yield crops are all things that could help move us to that point.

What should our Government be doing?

I think that the polices that are starting to be adopted by these world governments are on the right track but I feel like they need to have a higher reduction rate set and even sooner for the goal. I think our government especially should do this so that we can be seen as the one who really started the movement, and made the difference. Also one other thing I think that is really important to be done is I think we need to increase the number of renewable sources of energy that is being tapped to cut down on the overall burning of fossil fuels.

Which is the most important issue? What are we missing?

I think that all of the issues are very important, but if I had to choose one that I feel like is the most important I would say its the amount of greenhouse gasses we are releasing and the amount of pollution that is being put in the environment. I say this because in my opinion these two pose the most immediate danger to us and to the planet, if these aren't gotten under control soon we might not ever be able to reverse the effects or damage done from it.

Written by :Triston Riley