Talk:Chem395:April 11 discussion

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Revision as of 16:32, 11 April 2008 by J-Fed (talk | contribs) (ISO 14000)
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Be sure to look over the ISO 14001 presentation or Design for the Environment before you "listen to" the presentation. You should have a second browser window open at the relevant one of these pages while the person is presenting.

What we will be doing

Each person will explain the pros and cons of introducing their scheme at Acme. You must present a convincing case for the company to spend money. Be warned - some of your audience may be skeptical!

How this will be done

I haven't yet got the technology worked out for doing real time audio, so the presentation will have to be done using the standard text format. Spend perhaps 5-10 minutes typing things, then take questions at the end. You can refer to items on your page, as we will have the page open. We shall try to mainly handle questions at the end.


  • Jesse, on ISO 14000
  • Chris, on DfE

ISO 14000

Good afternoon! J-Fed 16:01, 11 April 2008 (EDT)

OK, Jesse, can you start us off? Why should we at Acme spend over $100k/year on getting this? Walkerma 16:02, 11 April 2008 (EDT)

There are many advantages for ACME if we choose to become ISO 14000 certified, which I've outlined in my report. They can can give ACME an edge in competing with non –certified ISO 14000 companies. The certification will reduce time-consuming audits and inspections and we can have a positive affect on the environment. Also, we can lower certain internal costs and increase productivity, reduce pollution and wastes, have less fines and taxes (as well as low insurance rates), ACME will be favored by banks for lending practices, we can be part of the larger international market and our consumers will have more respect for our company because they will have confidence in our environmental stance. J-Fed 16:07, 11 April 2008 (EDT)
There are other benefits for ACME as well. By educating our valued employees about ISO 14000 they will feel energized about working at ACME and being a part of an environmentally friendly chemical plant. Training our employees about hazards, solutions and the ISO standards will make ACME a leader among our competitors. We will have the proper documentation for government inspectors, our employees, and insurance companies so that ACME is known to be compliant with federal regulations and organized and safe in its practices. If ACME obtains ISO certification, it will increase our competitiveness in the chemical industry and allow us to form joint ventures with other companies. Achieving registration for the ISO 14001 EMS is $70,000 for ACME. J-Fed 16:08, 11 April 2008 (EDT)
With the recent explosion in our plant it would be a good idea for ACME's public and industrial image if we were making headway through 'green' processes and obtain ISO certification. J-Fed 16:10, 11 April 2008 (EDT)
In the long run the ISO certification cost will be offset. The advantages speak for themselves. With the current employees and managers we have it is possible to outline and EMS and have auditors come in to assess ACME. We have the resources and the manpower to accomplish this. J-Fed 16:12, 11 April 2008 (EDT)
My report outlines how and who should take control of the requirements for ISO certification. There will be some extra work involved in getting this together, but by splitting the work between each respective department and managers, it will be a very effective logistic strategy. J-Fed 16:14, 11 April 2008 (EDT)

Are you ready for questions now? Just let us (me?) know. Walkerma 16:15, 11 April 2008 (EDT)

For ACME, being ISO 14000 certified will reap many benefits in the company’s future and the environmental stance taken by ACME will be noticed by our competitors, customers, suppliers and the general public. I'm ready for any questions you may have. J-Fed 16:21, 11 April 2008 (EDT)

What do the EPA and other regulatory bodies think of ISO14000? Do they support it? Will they be more or less likely to do a surprise audit? Walkerma 16:23, 11 April 2008 (EDT)

From what I know, The EPA uses ISO as criteria for incentive programs like Project XL. For companies, like ACME, the EPA will prefer to work with them and lessen audits and surprise audits. In case of a lawsuit, the justice department has agreed to take ISO certification into account for sentencing and the Department of Energy has proposed that companies that supply chemicals etc. be ISO certified. Many other companies look favorably on ISO certified companies. The FDA, Defense Department and the FAA. J-Fed 16:30, 11 April 2008 (EDT)