Royal Society of Chemistry

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Royal Society of Chemistry
Royal Society of Chemistry

The Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC) is a learned society (professional association) in the United Kingdom with the goal of "advancing the chemical sciences." The organisation carries out research, publishes journals, books and databases, as well as hosting conferences, seminars and workshops. It is the professional body for chemistry in the UK, with the ability to award the status of Chartered Chemist (CChem) to suitably qualified candidates. The designation FRSC is given to a group of elected Fellows who have made major contributions to chemistry. The names of Fellows are published each year in The Times (London). The headquarters of the Society are at Burlington House, Piccadilly, London. It also has offices in Thomas Graham House in Cambridge where RSC Publishing is based.


The RSC was formed in 1980 from the merger of the Chemical Society, the Royal Institute of Chemistry, the Faraday Society and the Society for Analytical Chemistry.

Membership Grades and Post-nominals

The following are membership grades with post-nominals (designatory letters)[1] :

  • Affiliate: (no post-nominal) The grade for students and those involved in chemistry who do not meet the requirements for the following grades.
  • AMRSC: Associate Member, Royal Society of Chemistry The entry level for RSC membership, AMRSC is awarded to graduates (or equivalent) in the chemical sciences.
  • MRSC: Member, Royal Society of Chemistry Awarded to graduates (or equivalent) with at least 3 years' experience, who have acquired key skills through professional activity
  • FRSC: Fellow of the Royal Society of Chemistry Fellowship may be awarded to nominees who have made an outstanding contribution to chemistry.
  • CChem: Chartered Chemist The award of CChem is considered separately from admission to a category of RSC membership. Candidates need to be MRSC or FRSC and demonstrate development of specific professional attributes and be in a job which requires their chemical knowledge and skills.
  • CSci: Chartered Scientist The RSC is a licensed by the Science Council for the registration of Chartered Scientists.
  • EurChem: European Chemist The RSC is a member of the European Communities Chemistry Council (ECCC), and can award this designation to Chartered Chemists.
  • MChemA: Mastership in Chemical Analysis The RSC awards this postgraduate qualification which is the UK statutory qualification for practice as a Public Analyst[2]. It requires candidates to submit a portfolio of suitable experience and to take theory papers and a one-day laboratory practical examination[3].

Divisions and forums

The society is organised around 5 divisions and 4 forums, based on subject areas, and local sections, both in the United Kingdom and overseas. Divisions and forums cover broad areas of chemistry but also contain many special interest groups for more specific areas.

  • Analytical Division for analytical chemistry and promoting the original aims of the Society for Analytical Chemistry. 12 Subject Groups.
  • Dalton Division, named after John Dalton, for inorganic chemistry. 6 Subject Groups.
  • Education Division for chemical education. 4 Subject Groups.
  • Faraday Division, named after Michael Faraday, for physical chemistry and promoting the original aims of the Faraday Society. 14 Subject Groups.
  • Organic Division for organic chemistry. 6 Subject Groups.
  • Chemical Biology Forum. 2 Subject Groups.
  • Environment, Sustainability and Energy Forum. 3 Subject Groups.
  • Materials Chemistry Forum. 4 Subject Groups.
  • Industry and technology Forum. 13 Subject Groups.

There are 12 subjects groups not attached to a division or forum.

Local sections

There are 35 local sections covering the United Kingdom and the Republic of Ireland. In countries of the Commonwealth of Nations and many other countries there are Local Representatives of the Society and often some activities.


The Society is a not-for-profit publisher: surplus made by its publishing business is invested to support its aim of advancing the chemical sciences.

In addition to an extensive list of scientific journals and reviews (See *Category:Royal Society of Chemistry for a list) covering all areas of chemistry, the Society publishes:-


The Society has a large library covering mainly Chemical-based subjects, including online access for members, housed at Burlington House.

Prizes and awards

The RSC awards a variety of Prizes and Awards each year that include awards for excellence in any area of chemistry, in specialist areas or for achievement at particular stages of a chemist's career.[4]

Medals are awarded centrally by the RSC and by the divisions of the organisation. There are also awards that are administered by RSC interest groups.

The centrally awarded medals include the Harrison-Meldola Memorial Prize which is awarded to a British chemist who is under 32 years of age for promising original investigations in chemistry[5] and the Corday-Morgan Prizes which consist of three separate awards made for the most meritorious contributions to experimental chemistry (including computer simulation).[6]

Previous winners of the Harrison-Meldola Prize include C.K. Ingold (1921, 1922), C.N. Hinshelwood (1923), R.H. Stokes (1946), D.H. Williams (1966) and J. Evans (1978).

Corday-Morgan Prize recipients include D.H.R. Barton (1949), R.S. Nyholm (1950), F. Sanger (1951), J.W. Cornforth (1953), R.E. Richards (1954) and G. Porter (1955). Later recipients include many of the current leaders of the chemistry community in the United Kingdom.

The Faraday Division annually awards the Marlow Award for contributions to physical chemistry or chemical physics by members of the Faraday Division under the age of 32.[7] Recent recipients include Andrew Orr-Ewing, (1999), Jonathan A Jones, (2000), Helen Fielding (2001), Jonathan Essex (2002), Daren Caruana (2003), Jonathan Reid (2004), Julie Macpherson (2005), Fred Manby (2006) and Alessandro Troisi (2007).


See also

External links

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