Caesium lithium borate

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CsLiB6O10 (Caesium lithium borate, CLBO) is a non-linear crystal for UV applications and generates the 4th and 5th harmonics of the Nd:YAG fundamental laser wavelength (1064 nm).


  • Transparency range : 180 nm - 2750 nm
  • Symmetry : tetragonal, point group 4m2
  • Cell parameters : a = 10.494, c = 8.939 Å
  • Mohs hardness : 4
  • Refractive indexes:
    • at 1064 nm : no= 1.4852; ne = 1.4353
    • at 532 nm : no = 1.4985; ne = 1.4462
    • Sellmeier equations (Range:of 400 - 2400 nm ; Ref: Proc. SPIE , 4453, 106 (2001))
      <math>n_o^2=2.2145+\frac{0.00890}{ \lambda^2 - 0.02051}-0.01413\lambda^2</math>
      <math>n_e^2=2.0588+\frac{0.00866}{ \lambda^2 - 0.01202}-0.00607\lambda^2</math>
  • Non-linear coefficient at 1064 nm : d36 = 0.86 pm/V
  • Optical damage threshold : 25 GW/cm2 (1064 nm; 1.1 ns pulses)
  • Walk off:
    • at 532 nm : 1.83°
    • at 488 nm : 0.98°
  • Cut off SHG : 471 nm
  • Chemical properties : slightly hygroscopic

Nonlinear Optical Properties of CLBO

Harmonics wavelength
Phase-matching angle
Calculated deff
Walk-off angle
Angular bandwidth
Spectral bandwidth
Temperature bandwidth
266 61.6 0.84 1.83 0.49 0.13 8.3
213 67.3 0.87 1.69 0.42 0.16 5.1

Ref: Y. Mori, I. Kuroda, S. Nakajima, T. Sasaki, and S. Nakai, Appl. Phys. Lett. 67, 1818 (1995).
Y. Mori, Y. K. Yap, M. Inagaki, S. Nakajima, A. Taguchi, W. L. Zhou, and T. Sasaki, in Advanced Solid-State Lasers, Vol. 1 of Topics in Optics and Photonics (OSA, Washington, D.C., 1996), p. 341.


Further reading

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