Template:Greek alphabet

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Greek alphabet alpha-omega.svg
Greek alphabet
Αα Alpha Νν Nu
Ββ Beta Ξξ Xi
Γγ Gamma Οο Omicron
Δδ Delta Ππ Pi
Εε Epsilon Ρρ Rho
Ζζ Zeta Σσς Sigma
Ηη Eta Ττ Tau
Θθ Theta Υυ Upsilon
Ιι Iota Φφ Phi
Κκ Kappa Χχ Chi
Λλ Lambda Ψψ Psi
Μμ Mu Ωω Omega
Obsolete letters
Digamma uc lc.svg Digamma Qoppa uc lc.svg Qoppa
San uc lc.svg San Sampi uc lc.svg Sampi
Other characters
Stigma uc lc.svg Stigma Sho uc lc.svg Sho
Heta uc lc.svg Heta

Greek diacritics
[edit] [purge] Template-info-500px.png Template documentation




See also

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Wikipedia-logo.png This template was originally imported from Wikipedia, specifically this version of the template "Template:Greek Alphabet". Please see the history page on Wikipedia for the original authors. This WikiChem template may have been modified since it was imported. It is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution–Share Alike 3.0 Unported license.