Template:Green Chemistry in Industry for a Sustainable World (afternoon)
Thursday, June 3, 1:00 PM - 4:30 PM
- Green Chemistry in Industry for a Sustainable World
- Kellas 106
Organizer/Presider: Berkeley Cue
1:00 Introductory Remarks
1:10 201 Green Chemistry in the Pharmaceutical Industry: A Model for Sustainability. Berkeley W. Cue, BWC Pharma Consulting LLC
1:50 Micro Reactor Potential: Much Bigger Than You Think - Nicholas Bush, Newry Corp.
2:30 Intermission
2:45 202 The Use of Green Chemistry Principles in Development of Torcetrapib, a CETP Inhibitor. Juan C. Colberg, Pfizer Inc.
3:30 203 Small Pharma Can Do Green Chemistry on Large-Scale. Stefan G. Koenig, Sepracor Inc
4:00 Panel Discussion