Template:Metals in living systems
Thursday, June 3, 8:30 AM - 12:20 PM
- Metals in Living Systems
- Timerman 131
Organizer/Presider: Wolff Kirsch
8:30 134 Iron-Sulfur World Theory and Brain Iron Metabolism. Wolff M. Kirsch, Matthew Zabel and Andrew Crofton, Loma Linda University
9:15 Discussion
9:20 135 Quantification of Localized Brain Iron Sources Using Magnetic Resonance Phase Images. Grant Mc Auley1, Matthew Schrag1, Pal Sipos2, Samuel Barnes5, Andre Obenaus3,4,6, E. Mark Haacke5,6,7, Barbara Holshouser6, Harry Vinters8,9 and Wolff Kirsch1, (1)Neurosurgery Center for Research, Training and Education, (2)University of Szeged, (3)Biophysics and Bioengineering, School of Science and Technology, (4)Non-Invasive Imaging Laboratory, (5)MRI Institute for Biomedical Research, (6)Loma Linda University Medical Center, Loma Linda, CA, (7)Radiobiology Program, Loma Linda University, (8)Wayne State University, Detroit, MI, (9)Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine, (10)David Geffen School of Medicine, University of California Los Angeles
10:05 Discussion
10:10 Intermission
10:25 136 Cu/Fe Relationship in Living Systems. Claudius Mueller1,2, Matthew Schrag1 and Wolff M. Kirsch1, (1)Loma Linda University, (2)George Mason University
11:10 Discussion
11:15 137 Mapping Iron, Zinc and Copper in the Alzheimer’s Disease Brain: A Quantitative Meta-Analysis. Matthew Schrag1, Claudius Mueller1,2, Mark A. Smith3 and Wolff M. Kirsch1, (1)Loma Linda University, (2)George Mason University, (3) Case Western Reserve University
12:00 Discussion
12:05 Panel Discussion