Template:WikiChem Protocol
As with most forms of social software, please observe some basic rules:
- Be polite to other users. If you resort to insults or abuse, you will be banned. If you disagree with your partner, don't keep arguing, ask a third party for their opinion.
- Assume good faith: Most people really are trying to do the right thing, they are generally not deliberately destroying your hard work!
- Please don't vandalise pages, it spoils this space for everyone. Remember I have to assign grades to you at the end of the semester, and CTS is watching you....! A little bit of humor is OK, but please confine it to the talk pages.
- This is a public space. Although this site has limited access at the moment, it will be opened up to the public eventually, and already there are several groups who have access. So please don't discuss intimate details of your personal life - here or on FaceBook - or they may come back and haunt you! If you want to post your email address, please do not use the @ symbol, which can be picked up by spammers - write it as something like "walkerma, with potsdam.edu as the domain name".
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- All content here is open, available for general use under the Creative Commons licence.
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This is a documentation subpage for Template:WikiChem Protocol (see that page for the template itself). It contains usage information, categories and other content that is not part of the original template page. |