User talk:Herrinrm

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Welcome to the Chemistry 321 online course! Be sure to ask me a question if you need help. Thanks for catching the error on the Welcome page! Be sure to let us know your schedule so the discussion times will work well for you. Thanks, Martin A. Walker 11:21, 31 May 2011 (EDT)

I hope to learn how to use the current monetary system to improve the quality of life for humans and other living things on planet Earth by implementing sustainable technologies. Sustainable technology runs the risk of eliminating the need for human labor as machines are much more efficient at doing work. A machine, however, cannot think. For a monetary system based on profit incentive to work, people must have jobs. The employee is also the consumer. If an employer fires all of their employees, they will no longer have consumers. A resource-based economy has the power to destroy the monetary system and establish a non-heirarchical society based on human life having value and worth for the sake of people, not profit. Check out The Venus Project [1] Herrinrm 13:54, 2 June 2011 (EDT)