Chem321:Discussion 1

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Revision as of 12:10, 6 July 2015 by Rileytc197 (talk | contribs)
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Due to be completed by 11:59pm on Wednesday, July 8th.

This first session will simply involve introducing yourself to the class. Click on the "Edit" tab under your name, and please tell the class a little bit about yourself - your hobbies, background, or your reasons for an interest in sustainability. You don't need to post a lot of personal details - we just want to help "break the ice". End your comment with four tilde marks (~~~~) to add your signature and time stamp.

Also, you should provide some feedback - please post two responses to other people's threads, again by clicking on the "Edit" tab for their sections, typing your comments then signing.

NB: Discussion no. 2 will be held in "real time" and will cover points from Unit 1.

Martin Walker

I'm Prof. Martin A. Walker, and I'm teaching this class. I grew up in Newcastle Upon Tyne in northern England. I worked for 12 years in the chemical industry in the US and in the UK, and I saw both good and bad attitudes to the environment. This led to me developing a strong interest in green chemistry, which we will cover in a later unit. Martin A. Walker (talk) 23:51, 5 July 2015 (EDT)

Triston Riley

I'm Triston Riley im a Jr here at Potsdam, im a biology major with a chemistry minor, I work for the campus year round doing network infrastructure. Ive lived here in upstate NY for my whole life, I like to hunt, fish, and hang out outside this is one of the reasons for my interest in sustainability to ensure that we still have the wilds that are here now. Rileytc197 (talk) 12:10, 6 July 2015 (EDT)Triston Riley July 6, 12:08 PM