Chem321:Discussion 13

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Revision as of 19:22, 3 August 2015 by Rileytc197 (talk | contribs) (Triston Riley)
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You have a lot of work going on, so this discussion is straightforward. Please leave your initial comment below by Wednesday, August 7th at midnight. Then, by Friday at noon, please post a followup answer to one other student's comments. Please start your comment with a star, and sign with four tilde marks.

Dream a little! Imagine a world in the year 2065 where society has successfully made a switch to sustainable living. What would a sustainable city look like? How about a sustainable small town? A self-sustaining Mars colony? Describe some details/specific features you would expect to see. You can assume that technology has made major developments that can be extrapolated from today, but we will not consider major disruptive changes such as the Singularity which are hard to predict & assess. I recommend completing Unit 14 before posting.

Post an answer by 11:59pm on Wednesday, August 5th, 2015. Then post one followup comment on another student's answer by noon on Friday, August 7th, 2015.

Katie Fetcie

Grant Gallagher

Alexander Levitz

Triston Riley

I imagine that in 2065 the world will indeed be a much different place, and a place where everything we do is in a sustainable manner, and any resources we use will be renewable. I also would like to think that by then we will have a colony on mars that is also self sustaining. This would be an amazing thing to be accomplished by people, and a way to really prove how we have mastered being sustainable. I think all cities will be modeled after the new city of Melbourne where everything will be self sufficient sustainable, and green. I think this will be a amazing thing to see, everyone will need to work together to achieve this goal, making the world a better place. Rileytc197 (talk) 12:27, 3 August 2015 (EDT)

  • So you would follow the Melbourne example? What specifics do you like about the Melbourne model that you would like to see replicated elsewhere? Martin A. Walker (talk) 13:01, 3 August 2015 (EDT)

I would like to see multiple aspects of the Melbourne model implemented in the new cities of the future. First I would for sure like to see the big public transport network, and lots of things that are walkable of each other. these two things would cut down greatly on the CO2 emissions due to cars. I would also like to see the city wide usage of recycling programs and increased education of how to properly recycle. Finally I would like to see the usage of the water catchment and usage of storm waters in the city to help cut down there using of natural spring and ground water, or fresh water lakes. Rileytc197 (talk) 19:22, 3 August 2015 (EDT)

Alexane Rodrigue

Jasmine Ruiz

Jillian Visser

Any general comments