Chem321:Discussion 1

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Revision as of 23:02, 5 July 2015 by Walkerma (talk | contribs) (Update for 2015)
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(Chemistry 321)
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Due to be completed by 11:59pm on Wednesday, July 8th.

This first session will simply involve introducing yourself to the class. Click on the "Edit" tab under your name, and please tell the class a little bit about yourself - your hobbies, background, or your reasons for an interest in sustainability. You don't need to post a lot of personal details - we just want to help "break the ice". End your comment with four tilde marks (~~~~) to add your signature and time stamp.

Also, you should provide some feedback - please post two responses to other people's threads, again by clicking on the "Edit" tab for their sections, typing your comments then signing.

NB: Discussion no. 2 will be held in "real time" and will cover points from Unit 1.

Martin Walker

I'm Prof. Martin A. Walker, and I'm teaching this class. I grew up in Newcastle Upon Tyne in northern England. I worked for 12 years in the chemical industry in the US and in the UK, and I saw both good and bad attitudes to the environment. This led to me developing a strong interest in green chemistry, which we will cover in a later unit.