Chem321:Discussion 1

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Revision as of 13:49, 7 July 2015 by Visserjr199 (talk | contribs)
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Due to be completed by 11:59pm on Wednesday, July 8th.

This first session will simply involve introducing yourself to the class. Click on the "Edit" tab under your name, and please tell the class a little bit about yourself - your hobbies, background, or your reasons for an interest in sustainability. You don't need to post a lot of personal details - we just want to help "break the ice". End your comment with four tilde marks (~~~~) to add your signature and time stamp.

Also, you should provide some feedback - please post two responses to other people's threads, again by clicking on the "Edit" tab for their sections, typing your comments then signing.

NB: Discussion no. 2 will be held in "real time" and will cover points from Unit 1.

Martin Walker

I'm Prof. Martin A. Walker, and I'm teaching this class. I grew up in Newcastle Upon Tyne in northern England. I worked for 12 years in the chemical industry in the US and in the UK, and I saw both good and bad attitudes to the environment. This led to me developing a strong interest in green chemistry, which we will cover in a later unit. Martin A. Walker (talk) 23:51, 5 July 2015 (EDT)

Triston Riley

I'm Triston Riley im a Jr here at Potsdam, im a biology major with a chemistry minor, I work for the campus year round doing network infrastructure. Ive lived here in upstate NY for my whole life, I like to hunt, fish, and hang out outside this is one of the reasons for my interest in sustainability to ensure that we still have the wilds that are here now. Rileytc197 (talk) 12:10, 6 July 2015 (EDT)Triston Riley

Alexander Levitz

Hello everyone, my name is Alex Levitz, and I proudly hail from Brooklyn, NY. I originally attended Quest University Canada (in Squamish, British Columbia), but I transferred to SUNY Potsdam in order to major in Biology (with a focus on all things microbiological, especially gene therapies and energy production applications). I have always been interested in sustainability and the preservation of our Earth’s environment, so much so that I inspired my mom to found WRAP (the White Roof Action Project, which is a nonprofit organization aimed at inspiring the adoption of white roofs on homes, thereby increasing the albedo effect). Furthermore, I am currently working on designing a solar array and green roof combination for my house, which will hopefully allow us to obtain all of our energy without relying on the grid (I am intending to utilize the new Tesla solar battery “Powerwall”, which will alleviate the issue of storing the captured energy, and having to rely on the grid at night). Thus, I am a strong proponent of sustainability, as it is indeed one of the most pertinent issues that we must address and embody if we are going to persist as a species. Alexanderlevitz (talk) 17:51, 6 July 2015 (EDT)

Leanna Collard

Hello all, my name is Leanna Collard and I am from Ogdensburg, New York. I graduated from SUNY Potsdam in 2012 with my Bachelor of Science degree in Biology. I am now returning to SUNY Potsdam for the MST program in science. Upon graduating in 2016, I am hoping to be certified to teach grades 7-12 Biology and Chemistry. This brings me to why I am taking course. I need this course for credit hours towards my chemistry certification. I spent the greater part of last year living on the small island of Grenada, which is part of the Caribbean Islands. I taught English language while I was there. My hobbies include, hiking, running, camping, jogging, reading, and spending time with my friends and family.

Alexane Rodrigue

My name is Alexane Rodrigue and I am from a small town called Monkland, in Ontario, Canada. I am currently a senior and plan on graduating in 2016 with a bachelors of science in biology with minors in chemistry and psychology. I hope to continue my education, eventually become a professor and do some research in the neuroscience field. I am interested in this course because I believe we should be using our recourses in a sustainable fashion, and I am very excited to learn more about green chemistry. My hobbies include listening to Rock and Roll, snowboarding, reading, drinking coffee, and riding my bicycle around Potsdam which is where I have been permanently living for the past two years. Rodrigaf197 (talk) 10:34, 7 July 2015 (EDT)

Jillian Visser

My name is Jillian Visser and I am from Long Island, NY. I graduated from SUNY Stony Brook with a BA in Psychology and then received my Masters at Dowling College in Adolescent Education and Middle School Extension in Biology. This is the last class I need in order to get certified 5th-12th in Chemistry! I am excited to take this course because it will also give me the opportunity to teach Environmental Chemistry/Science as an elective at the high school level. I teach 6th-8th grade Science and 6th-8th grade Health at a private Middle School on Long Island. This past year was my first year as a full time teacher and I really enjoyed all my students. My hobbies include playing tennis, reading, anything science-related, swimming, and going to the beach! Visserjr199 (talk) 13:49, 7 July 2015 (EDT)