Career workshops
On Thursday, June 3rd, ACS Career Services will offer the following workshops for those interested in planning a career in chemistry.
As well as running workshops, ACS Careers Consultants will be available to provide resume reviews and career assistance. Individual 30 minute resume reviews will be offered. You must bring a copy of your resume. Sign-up will be available at meeting registration.
The preliminary timetable for workshops is as follows:
Planning Your Job Search
9:00 AM – 10:30 AM
This one hour workshop addresses employment trends and professional values (self assessment). Then, the process of networking is explored: who is in your network, how to expand it. Strategies such as informational interviewing will be discussed.
Preparing a Resume
10:30 AM – 12:00 AM
Your résumé is a personal introduction and leaves an impression. In this one hour workshop you will learn which personal data format is right for your "marketing plan," and construct a winning résumé.
Effective Interviewing
1:00 PM – 2:30 PM
Many job seekers think their work ends once an interview is secured. Think again! This one hour workshop will examine the entire interview process, types of interviews, frequently asked questions, and how to evaluate an offer.
Related events
In addition to the above ACS workshops, St Lawrence Student ACS group is holding a discussion titled Life as a Chemist: Taking a Step (or Two) Away from the Bench with a diverse panel selected from our invited speakers.