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(Initial draft schedule page)
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| [[Chem321:Unit 1|Unit 1]]
| [[Chem321:Unit 1|Unit 1]]
| What is sustainability? What is sustainable development?<br/>Agenda 21, government responses to sustainability.<br/>Current environmental problems
| What is sustainability? What is sustainable development?<br/>Agenda 21, government responses to sustainability.<br/>Current environmental problems
| Dorf Ch. 1, 2 <br/>[http://news.bbc.co.uk/hi/english/static/in_depth/world/2002/disposable_planet/ BBC, "Disposable Planet"]
| Hill Ch. 1<br/>[http://news.bbc.co.uk/hi/english/static/in_depth/world/2002/disposable_planet/ BBC, "Disposable Planet"]
| [[Chem 321:Week of May 30, 2011|June 2-3]]
| [[Chem 321:Week of May 30, 2011|June 2-3]]
| [[Chem321:Unit 2|Unit 2]]<br/> [[Chem321:Unit 2|Unit 2]]
| [[Chem321:Unit 2|Unit 2]]
| <br/>Economic & political aspects
| <br/>Economic & political aspects
| Dorf Ch. 2, Lewis reading  
| Hill Ch. 1, Lewis reading  
| [[Chem 321:Week of June 6, 2011|June 6-7 ]]
| [[Chem 321:Week of June 6, 2011|June 6-7 ]]
| [[Chem321:Unit 3|Unit 3]]<br/> [[Chem321:Unit 3|Unit 3]]
| [[Chem321:Unit 3|Unit 3]]
| Thermodynamics.  The role of science and technology
| Thermodynamics.  The role of science and technology
| Dorf Ch. 3-4, 6.<br/>[http://www.pubmedcentral.nih.gov/articlerender.fcgi?artid=166181 Clark & Dickson reading]  
| Hill Ch. 2<br/>[http://www.pubmedcentral.nih.gov/articlerender.fcgi?artid=166181 Clark & Dickson reading]  
| [[Chem321:Problem Set 1|Problem Set 1]] due
| [[Chem321:Problem Set 1|Problem Set 1]] due
| [[Chem 321:Week of June 6, 2011|June 8-9]]
| [[Chem 321:Week of June 6, 2011|June 8-10]]
| [[Chem321:Unit 4|Unit 4]]<br/> [[Chem321:Unit 4|Unit 4]]
| [[Chem321:Unit 4|Unit 4]]
| Science and technology, <br/>Business and sustainability, uses of technology,  
| Business and sustainability, <br/>uses of technology, manufacturing
| Dorf Ch. 5, 7-8 <br/>[http://webproxy.potsdam.edu:2048/login?url=http://www.sciencedirect.com/science?_ob=ArticleURL&_udi=B6VFX-4GDSDV6-1&_user=10&_coverDate=12%2F31%2F2006&_rdoc=4&_fmt=summary&_orig=browse&_srch=doc-info(%23toc%236022%232006%23999859984%23627189%23FLA%23display%23Volume)&_cdi=6022&_sort=d&_docanchor=&_ct=18&_acct=C000050221&_version=1&_urlVersion=0&_userid=10&md5=ef468e4ccb78fea8448527b1b9d69918  van Nes & Cramer (part)]
| <br/>[http://webproxy.potsdam.edu:2048/login?url=http://www.sciencedirect.com/science?_ob=ArticleURL&_udi=B6VFX-4GDSDV6-1&_user=10&_coverDate=12%2F31%2F2006&_rdoc=4&_fmt=summary&_orig=browse&_srch=doc-info(%23toc%236022%232006%23999859984%23627189%23FLA%23display%23Volume)&_cdi=6022&_sort=d&_docanchor=&_ct=18&_acct=C000050221&_version=1&_urlVersion=0&_userid=10&md5=ef468e4ccb78fea8448527b1b9d69918  van Nes & Cramer (part)]
| [[Chem 321:Week of June 13, 2011|June 10,13]]
| [[Chem 321:Week of June 13, 2011|June 13]]
| [[Chem321:Unit 5|Unit 5]]
| [[Chem321:Unit 5|Unit 5]]
| History of manufacturing. What is manufacturing?  The manufacturing enterprise, quality control, quality assurance
| Consumption
| [[Chem321:Problem Set 2|Problem Set 2]] due
| [[Chem321:Problem Set 2|Problem Set 2]] due
Line 38: Line 38:
| [[Chem 321:Week of June 13, 2011|June 14]]
| [[Chem 321:Week of June 13, 2011|June 14]]
| [[Chem321:Unit 6|Unit 6]]
| [[Chem321:Unit 6|Unit 6]]
| Waste management and waste reduction  
| Impacts, carbon footprints,<br/>waste management & reduction  
| Dorf Ch. 19
| Hill Ch. 5
Line 45: Line 45:
| [[Chem321:Unit 7|Unit 7]]
| [[Chem321:Unit 7|Unit 7]]
| Energy
| Energy
| Dorf Ch. 17<br/>[http://www.epa.gov/epaoswer/osw/vision.pdf RCRA vision statement]  
| [http://www.epa.gov/epaoswer/osw/vision.pdf RCRA vision statement]  
| [[Chem321:Problem Set 3|Problem Set 3]] due
| [[Chem321:Problem Set 3|Problem Set 3]] due
| [[Chem 321:Week of June 20, 2011|June 17,20 |]]
| [[Chem 321:Week of June 20, 2011|June 17,20 |]]
| [[Chem321:Unit 8|Unit 8]]
| [[Chem321:Unit 8|Unit 8]]
| Material resources and mining, chemicals
| Hill Ch. 3, 7
| [[Chem 321:Week of June 20, 2011|June 21]]
| [[Chem 321:Week of June 20, 2011|June 21]]
| [[Chem321:Unit 9|Unit 9]]
| [[Chem321:Unit 9|Unit 9]]
| Mining and materials
| Forestry, food & agriculture
| Dorf Ch. 18
| Hill Ch. 8
| First draft of<br/>case presentations due
| First draft of<br/>case presentations due
Line 63: Line 63:
| [[Chem321:Unit 10|Unit 10]]
| [[Chem321:Unit 10|Unit 10]]
| Environmental management systems and ISO 14000
| Environmental management systems and ISO 14000
| Sample plans, Dorf Ch. 23
| Final draft of<br/>case presentations due
| Final draft of<br/>case presentations due
| [[Chem 321:Week of June 27, 2011|June 24,27]]
| [[Chem 321:Week of June 27, 2011|June 24,27]]
| [[Chem321:Unit 11|Unit 11]]
| [[Chem321:Unit 11|Unit 11]]
| Green engineering, green chemistry, green manufacturing
| Ecologic, green engineering, green chemistry, green manufacturing
| Review Dorf Ch. 4-6<br/>Anastas & Warner article,   
| Hill Ch. 6<br/>Anastas & Warner article,   
| [[Chem321:Problem Set 5|Problem Set 5]] due
| [[Chem321:Problem Set 5|Problem Set 5]] due
Line 75: Line 75:
| [[Chem321:Unit 12|Unit 12]]
| [[Chem321:Unit 12|Unit 12]]
| Transforming the corporate mindset, new business models
| Transforming the corporate mindset, new business models
| Dorf Ch. 23-25
| First draft of<br/>term paper due
| First draft of<br/>term paper due
Line 81: Line 81:
| [[Chem321:Unit 13|Unit 13]]
| [[Chem321:Unit 13|Unit 13]]
| Models for sustainable living, the hydrogen economy
| Models for sustainable living, the hydrogen economy
| Dorf Ch. 22, [http://www.theglobalist.com/StoryId.aspx?StoryId=2739 Rifkin reading]<br/>[http://www.guardian.co.uk/environment/2007/dec/13/ethicalliving.carbonfootprints Goodall reading]  
| Hill Ch. 9, [http://www.theglobalist.com/StoryId.aspx?StoryId=2739 Rifkin reading]<br/>[http://www.guardian.co.uk/environment/2007/dec/13/ethicalliving.carbonfootprints Goodall reading]  
Line 87: Line 87:
| [[Chem321:Unit 14|Unit 14]]
| [[Chem321:Unit 14|Unit 14]]
| What does the future hold?
| What does the future hold?
| Hill Ch. 9
| Final draft of<br/>term paper due
| Final draft of<br/>term paper due

Revision as of 03:45, 31 May 2011

(Chemistry 321)
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The table below outlines the schedule for the whole semester. The details of each week's schedule can be accessed by clicking on the "week of" links. Additional readings may be assigned as the semester progresses.

Chemistry 321 Class Schedule
Week beginning Unit Topics Readings Assignments
May 31-June 1 Unit 1 What is sustainability? What is sustainable development?
Agenda 21, government responses to sustainability.
Current environmental problems
Hill Ch. 1
BBC, "Disposable Planet"
June 2-3 Unit 2
Economic & political aspects
Hill Ch. 1, Lewis reading
June 6-7 Unit 3 Thermodynamics. The role of science and technology Hill Ch. 2
Clark & Dickson reading
Problem Set 1 due
June 8-10 Unit 4 Business and sustainability,
uses of technology, manufacturing

van Nes & Cramer (part)
June 13 Unit 5 Consumption Problem Set 2 due
June 14 Unit 6 Impacts, carbon footprints,
waste management & reduction
Hill Ch. 5
June 15-16 Unit 7 Energy RCRA vision statement Problem Set 3 due
June 17,20 | Unit 8 Material resources and mining, chemicals Hill Ch. 3, 7
June 21 Unit 9 Forestry, food & agriculture Hill Ch. 8 First draft of
case presentations due
June 22-23 Unit 10 Environmental management systems and ISO 14000 Final draft of
case presentations due
June 24,27 Unit 11 Ecologic, green engineering, green chemistry, green manufacturing Hill Ch. 6
Anastas & Warner article,
Problem Set 5 due
June 28 Unit 12 Transforming the corporate mindset, new business models First draft of
term paper due
June 28-29 Unit 13 Models for sustainable living, the hydrogen economy Hill Ch. 9, Rifkin reading
Goodall reading
June 30 Unit 14 What does the future hold? Hill Ch. 9 Final draft of
term paper due
July 1 Final exam

See also