Data:Atomic weights of the elements 2007

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The following is the 2007 IUPAC list of standard atomic weights approved by the Commission on Isotopic Abundances and Atomic Weights (CIAAW) and published in Pure and Applied Chemistry.[1] Elements with no stable isotopes (Tc, Pm, Po–) have been omitted, except for thorium, protactinium and uranium which have a charcteristic terrestrial isotopic composition.

Z Name Symbol Atomic weight Footnotes
1 hydrogen H 1.007 94(7) g m r
2 helium He 4.002 602(2) g r
3 lithium Li [6.941(2)]† g m r
4 beryllium Be 9.012 182(3)
5 boron B 10.811(7) g m r
6 carbon C 12.0107(8) g r
7 nitrogen N 14.0067(2) g r
8 oxygen O 15.9994(3) g r
9 fluorine F 18.998 4032(5)
10 neon Ne 20.1797(6) g m
11 sodium Na 22.989 769 28(2)
12 magnesium Mg 24.3050(6)
13 aluminium Al 26.981 5386(8)
14 silicon Si 28.0855(3) r
15 phosphorus P 30.973 762(2)
16 sulfur S 32.065(5) g r
17 chlorine Cl 35.453(2) g m r
18 argon Ar 39.948(1) g r
19 potassium K 39.0983(1)
20 calcium Ca 40.078(4) g
21 scandium Sc 44.955 912(6)
22 titanium Ti 47.867(1)
23 vanadium V 50.9415(1)
24 chromium Cr 51.9961(6)
25 manganese Mn 54.938 045(5)
26 iron Fe 55.845(2)
27 cobalt Co 58.933 195(5)
28 nickel Ni 58.6934(4) r
29 copper Cu 63.546(3) r
30 zinc Zn 65.38(2) r
31 gallium Ga 69.723(1)
32 germanium Ge 72.64(1)
33 arsenic As 74.921 60(2)
34 selenium Se 78.96(3) r
35 bromine Br 79.904(1)
36 krypton Kr 83.798(2) g m
37 rubidium Rb 85.4678(3) g
38 strontium Sr 87.62(1) g r
39 yttrium Y 88.905 85(2)
40 zirconium Zr 91.224(2) g
41 niobium Nb 92.906 38(2)
42 molybdenum Mo 95.96(2) g r
44 ruthenium Ru 101.07(2) g
45 rhodium Rh 102.905 50(2)
46 palladium Pd 106.42(1) g
47 silver Ag 107.8682(2) g
48 cadmium Cd 112.411(8) g
49 indium In 114.818(3)
50 tin Sn 118.710(7) g
51 antimony Sb 121.760(1) g
52 tellurium Te 127.60(3) g
53 iodine I 126.904 47(3)
54 xenon Xe 131.293(6) g m
55 caesium Cs 132.905 4519(2)
56 barium Ba 137.327(7)
57 lanthanum La 138.905 47(7) g
58 cerium Ce 140.116(1) g
59 praseodymium Pr 140.907 65(2)
60 neodymium Nd 144.242(3) g
62 samarium Sm 150.36(2) g
63 europium Eu 151.964(1) g
64 gadolinium Gd 157.25(3) g
65 terbium Tb 158.925 35(2)
66 dysprosium Dy 162.500(1) g
67 holmium Ho 164.930 32(2)
68 erbium Er 167.259(3) g
69 thulium Tm 168.934 21(2)
70 ytterbium Yb 173.054(5) g
71 lutetium Lu 174.9668(1) g
72 hafnium Hf 178.49(2)
73 tantalum Ta 180.947 88(2)
74 tungsten W 183.84(1)
75 rhenium Re 186.207(1)
76 osmium Os 190.23(3) g
77 iridium Ir 192.217(3)
78 platinum Pt 195.084(9)
79 gold Au 196.966 569(4)
80 mercury Hg 200.59(2)
81 thallium Tl 204.3833(2)
82 lead Pb 207.2(1) g r
83 bismuth Bi 208.980 40(1)
90 thorium* Th 232.038 06(2) g
91 protactinium* Pa 231.035 88(2)
92 uranium* U 238.028 91(3) g m

Footnotes to table


  1. Atomic Weights of the Elements 2007. Pure Appl. Chem. 2009, 81 (11), 2131–56. DOI: 10.1351/PAC-REP-09-08-03.

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