Template:PeriodicTable atomic weights 4-figs
Group → | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | ||
↓ Period | ||||||||||||||||||||
1 | H 1.008 |
He 4.003 | ||||||||||||||||||
2 | Li 6.941(2)† |
Be 9.012 |
B 10.81# |
C 12.01 |
N 14.01 |
O 16.00 |
F 19.00 |
Ne 20.18 | ||||||||||||
3 | Na 22.99 |
Mg 24.31 |
Al 26.98 |
Si 28.09 |
P 30.97 |
S 32.07# |
Cl 35.45 |
Ar 39.95 | ||||||||||||
4 | K 39.10 |
Ca 40.08# |
Sc 44.96 |
Ti 47.87 |
V 50.94 |
Cr 52.00 |
Mn 54.94 |
Fe 55.84 |
Co 58.93 |
Ni 58.69 |
Cu 63.55 |
Zn 65.38(2) |
Ga 69.72 |
Ge 72.61 |
As 74.92 |
Se 78.96(3) |
Br 79.90 |
Kr 83.80# | ||
5 | Rb 85.47# |
Sr 87.62# |
Y 88.91 |
Zr 91.22# |
Nb 92.91 |
Mo 95.96(2) |
Tc [98.91] |
Ru 101.1# |
Rh 102.9 |
Pd 106.4# |
Ag 107.9# |
Cd 112.4# |
In 114.8 |
Sn 118.7# |
Sb 121.8# |
Te 127.6# |
I 126.9 |
Xe 131.3# | ||
6 | Cs 132.9 |
Ba 137.3 |
* |
Hf 178.5 |
Ta 180.9 |
W 183.9 |
Re 186.2 |
Os 190.2 |
Ir 192.2 |
Pt 195.1 |
Au 197.0 |
Hg 200.6 |
Tl 204.4 |
Pb 207.2# |
Bi 209.0 |
Po [210.0] |
At [210.0] |
Rn [222.0] | ||
7 | Fr [223.0] |
Ra [226.0] |
** |
Rf [263] |
Db [262] |
Sg [266] |
Bh [264] |
Hs [269] |
Mt [268] |
Ds [272] |
Rg [272] |
Cn [277] |
Uut [284] |
Uuq [289] |
Uup [288] |
Uuh [292] |
Uus [294] |
Uuo [293] | ||
* Lanthanoids | La 138.9 |
Ce 140.1# |
Pr 140.9 |
Nd 144.2# |
Pm [146.9] |
Sm 150.4# |
Eu 152.0# |
Gd 157.3# |
Tb 158.9 |
Dy 162.5# |
Ho 164.9 |
Er 167.3# |
Tm 168.9 |
Yb 173.1# |
Lu 175.0 | |||||
** Actinoids | Ac [227.0] |
Th 232.0 |
Pa 231.0 |
U 238.0# |
Np [237.0] |
Pu [239.1] |
Am [241.1] |
Cm [244.1] |
Bk [249.1] |
Cf [252.1] |
Es [252] |
Fm [257] |
Md [258] |
No [259] |
Lr [262] |
- Notes
- Values apply to elements of natural terrestrial origin. The last significant figure of each tabulated value is considered reliable to ±1 except when a larger single digit uncertainty is inserted in parentheses following the atomic weight.
Values in square brackets are for elements with no stable isotopes and no characteristic terrestrial isotopic composition. For such elements up to and including Cf (Z = 98), a four-figure relative atomic mass is given for the most commonly encountered isotope: for elements from Es (Z = 99) onwards, the value quoted is the mass number of the isotope with the longest half life.
† Commercially available Li materials have atomic weights that range between 6.939 and 6.996; if a more accurate value is required, it must be determined for the specific material.
# Values may differ from the atomic weights of the relevant elements in some naturally occurring samples because of a variation in the relative isotopic abundance.
This documentation is transcluded from Template:PeriodicTable atomic weights 4-figs/doc. (edit | history)
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This is a documentation subpage for Template:PeriodicTable atomic weights 4-figs (see that page for the template itself). It contains usage information, categories and other content that is not part of the original template page. |
See also
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This template was originally imported from Wikipedia, specifically this version of the template "Atomic weight/Table". Please see the history page on Wikipedia for the original authors. This WikiChem template may have been modified since it was imported. It is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution–Share Alike 3.0 Unported license. |